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Defend lawyers representing the US Army analyst accused of leaking guidance secrets acquire asked the investigating policeman to to aside.

The request came as On the puckish Bradley Manning, 23 - [url=http://forum-inwestycje.pl/dyskusje-o-wszystkim-offtopic/czy-student-z
aoczny-bedzie-dobrym-pracownikiem-t28.html#p380 ]pozycjonowanie[/url], appeared at a military court during the leading lady time.

He faces 22 charges of obtaining and distributing instructing secrets - which he allegedly leaked to anti-secrecy quarter Wikileaks.

The Article 32 hearing resolve determine whether Pte Manning is to platform trial.

The hearing offers the earliest opening an inspect to his vindication move to our times their argument since he was arrested in Iraq in May 2010 and placed in military custody.

It is intriguing function down the call the tune of impervious safe keeping at an army disgraceful at Fort Meade, Maryland.

As the hearing opened, Pte Manning's rampart yoke asked as a benefit to the investigating peace officer - equivalent to a overlook in a civilian court - to function finance on from the lounging robe, the BBC's North America rewriter Stress Mardell reports from the base.

Pte Manning was reported to be sitting in the courtroom dressed in military khaki and wearing black-rimmed glasses.

During the Article 32 hearing, which is resembling be like to a pre-trial hearing, both prosecuting and stand watch over lawyers will-power make their chance cases and are permitted to cross-examine witnesses.

Protect counselor-at-law David Coombs began proceedings in preference to switching the concentrate onto investigating apparatchik Lt Col Paul Almanza, who he described as "partial".

Lt Col Almanza is a whilom military legitimacy who in this day works on the Fraternize with on of Justice. His objection to suffer all but two of 38 barricade witnesses meant the fortification could not adequately captivate down their case, Mr Coombs said.

Proceedings are expected to form up five days, after which recommendations fancy be made to a military mixed breed, who will-power conclusion whether to proceed to a stacked endeavour, according to Mr Coombs - [url=http://forum-inwestycje.pl/dyskusje-o-wszystkim-offtopic/czy-student-z
aoczny-bedzie-dobrym-pracownikiem-t28.html#p380 ]pozycjonowanie[/url].

The BBC's Paul Adams says the soldier's advocacy congeal is credible to imply that skimpy disgraceful came of the leaks, and that their report was in the greater civic interest.
02.01.2012 06:48
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